Posts by Beth Scott — Guest Contributor

  • How can DC grow without losing its character?

    How can DC keep its character in the face of rapid development? What urban planning processes and policies should we adopt to protect this growth as well as our city’s character? How can citizens make their voices heard but not drown out others in the meantime? Last night, a group of DC citizens tried to answer these questions. At last night’s Citizen Planner Forum,…  Keep reading…

  • Sidewalks deserve more respect

    Walking is an extremely important mode of travel in Washington, DC. Unfortunately, many of the city’s sidewalks are unreasonably narrow, too small for more than one or two people to walk along. This forces pedestrians to wait for a chance to pass, or to step into the street. The situation is dangerous, insulting, and above all unnecessary. Sidewalks don’t get the…  Keep reading…

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