Our Supporters

Without the financial support of foundations, local businesses, and of course, readers, Greater Greater Washington couldn’t keep building informed and civically engaged communities that speak up for livable places for all.

Below are our 2023 supporters. This page is updated as new grants are awarded. See our editorial policy to understand our commitment to editorial independence in funding relationships.

Foundation and corporate

Foundation and corporate funders provide program or general support, typically in the form of grants. Occasionally, Greater Greater Washington invites businesses to sponsor events. When those opportunities arise, sponsors are publicly recognized in materials for the event.


  • Open Philanthropy Project
  • Meyer Foundation
  • Mobility Fund
  • Summit Foundation


  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Did you know that 16% of our budget in 2023 comes from donations made by readers like you?

In 2018 we launched a membership program that provides direct financial support for our publication and community-building work. It’s called the GGWash Neighborhood and it has over 600 members! We are so grateful to all the individuals who help keep GGWash going. In 2022, we raised more than $130,000 from readers like you. Thank you!

If you are looking for a way to support our work, one of the most impactful things you can do is join the GGWash Neighborhood, membership starts at just $5 a month.

Coalition Management

GGWash administers DC Sustainable Transportation, a coalition that organizes business, advocacy, and government entities to make DC a global leader with frequent, rapid, safe, affordable, and reliable transportation to, from, and around DC job centers.

GGWash is supported by our recurring donors, corporate supporters, and foundations.

See Our Supporters Become A Member